School of Dentistry

The DDS Class of 2027 arrives

The DDS Class of 2027 arrives

The School of Dentistry warmly welcomes its newest class of students with excitement and anticipation. This year's incoming class is a testament to the institution's commitment to diversity and inclusivity, encompassing a wide range of backgrounds and experiences.


Comprising an international cohort, the students represent various nationalities, bringing with them a wealth of global perspectives that promise to enrich the learning environment. The diversity extends beyond nationality, encompassing a mix of cultural, socioeconomic and educational experiences, mirroring the real-world patients the students will soon serve.


Gender equality is a prominent feature of the incoming class, with 60% women and 40% men, promoting a balanced and inclusive atmosphere. This not only reflects the changing landscape of dentistry but also underscores the progress made towards achieving gender parity in the profession.


Academically and professionally, the students' backgrounds are equally diverse. Some hold degrees in fields such as biology and chemistry, while others bring experience from careers in education, real estate, dental hygiene, public health and the U.S. armed forces, as well as those who have experience being National Collegiate Athletic Association athletes. This multidisciplinary group promises to promote collaboration and innovative problem-solving within the School of Dentistry community.


Collectively, the class of 100 students has an overall grade point average of 3.74 and a Dental Admissions Test score of 21.3. The matriculating students were carefully selected from an applicant pool of 1,005 candidates.


The school welcomed each student with orientations, lab check-ins and social events, including a welcome dinner and its annual Welcome to the Profession Ceremony this July. In the company of their family and friends, the ceremony signifies the students’ transition into oral health care by presenting them with their -branded white coats and reciting the Hippocratic oath.


Throughout their training, the students will not only acquire crucial clinical skills and knowledge but also forge lasting connections with peers and mentors. The journey ahead is sure to be transformative, and the School of Dentistry is honored to play a role in shaping the future oral health care professionals of the Class of 2027.


“Choosing School of Dentistry was an easy decision for me after learning of its reputation for providing strong clinical preparedness, early exposure to hand skills, its generous focus on community service and comprehensive learning of different specialties,” said Mimi Chang, a matriculating first-year dental student and 2023 graduate of Rice University. “On top of everything, there is a close connection between the faculty and students as well as among the students themselves, which allows for a highly collaborative and inclusive learning environment.”


“I couldn’t feel more excited and thankful for the opportunity to learn and train at ,” said first-year dental student Miller Redfern, a University of Arkansas graduate. “I visited San Antonio for the first time last fall for my interview with the School of Dentistry and quickly felt at home as I spoke to faculty and students on campus. has an atmosphere of warmth and positivity that I find to be truly magnetic — all while being known for producing excellent clinicians. I am looking forward to growth not only as a future professional but also as an individual as I begin my dental training in San Antonio.”


As the new academic year begins, the school eagerly anticipates witnessing the growth and achievements of its newest members. Together, they will pave the way for exceptional oral health care and innovative practices, making a lasting impact on the field of dentistry. Welcome to the Class of 2027!

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